Get ready for a wet and wild ride through Zion Nat. Park. Starring Joakim Orton, Randy Johnson, Spencer Corbett, and Clayton W. Spencer. Sorry some of this stuff is out of order. Hopefully all you responsible people can imagine what this fun trip was like.

We went to the visitor center before this excursion and found out that the water temperature for this hike was only a few degrees above freezing, you don't even want to put your hands in that water. The drysuits worked perfectly, but they don't breathe to well so after while you really have to air them out.

This waterfall was so cool with all the light setting on it. There should be a little ice in the photo as well.


This picture is not upside down. The ice has formed this way from having water drip on top of it. Pretty sweet image.

This was a fun offshoot of the main narrows, we found this cool waterfall. We are not touching the ground in this photo our dry suits are holding us up with all the air inside of them.

Randy floating in his dry-suit underneath a waterfall. I don't know how this kid didn't catch a cold after this. I was freezing by this point.

This section is really cool for hidden canyon, you go out on these super high ledges and there are chains bolted into the wall to hang onto. It is not to friendly for those who don't like heights.

Oh my gosh! Somebody help him!

This is inside Hidden Canyon, the sand is usually really soft and you can walk in your bare feet, but it was a little cold, you can see snow in the back of this photo. This place smells like a pine forest it is such an amazing hike.

Joey died shortly after this picture, it was a real tragedy. I don't recall why.

Spencer Corbett became one with nature during the trip, he fed mother earth's creatures, and they in turn fed him as earth once did for Mogli.

This is on our way to hidden Canyon. Hidden Canyon is an amazing overlooked hike in Zion. It is one of the few "free hanging" canyons in the world(meaning the canyon does not reach the valley floor). Hidden Canyon is filled with pine trees, moss, and lots of birds, it is a nice hike to feel totally secluded and do a little climbing at the same time.

This was an extremely windy trip up to Angels landing. We tried not to plummet to our deaths that day.

"I'm on top of the world," cries randy.

Angels landing still covered with traces of snow.
To all Clay Spencer's fans: Sorry about the delay on blogger posts, I have tons of photos to update to the blog and zero time to accomplish the task. "I have promises to keep" so I'm here when I should be doing math. Oh well at least you (viewer) will be happy right? There should be some good pictures in the next few sections. This trip happened in March over spring break, it was great fun, lots of snow, wind, and good laughs. Please feel free to leave any suggestions on how I could improve my posts.

Spencer is suffering from narcolepsy here, since he spent the night out under the stars with no sleeping pad and a crappy sleeping bag. This was not nearly as bad as joey (who also forgot a sleeping pad) using all of our wood we had collected to keep himself warm the whole night through. These poor little children never learned the scout motto.

Three stooges.

Beginning the journey to Angels Landing.
1 comment:
Wow this trip was forever ago! :-) but looks like fun
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