Friday, October 31, 2008

Capitol Reef National Park

"I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived." - -- Henry David Thoreau

Entering Kolob Canyon.

Trying out the macro on my shoeprint.

My hand in sand.

The sandstone right here is peeling away from the wall and looks like bark stripping away from the tree trunk...kind of cool looking with the light piercing through the dark canyon onto it.

Some good old friends.

These slot canyons were really cool. You're pretty much all alone and can enjoy the natural belleza of climbing in silence.

Micah getting ready to do the spread eagle maneuver.

This is a little cave that opens up into a big room inside

Right after this picture leah did a swan dive off those rocks and caught herself safely with her knee cap! ouch!

The hidden secrets of Capitol Reef...Hiking Kolob Canyon.

This is just outside the campground we stayed at...there was not a cloud in the sky that day.

The sun sets on the park.

Right in the very center of this arch is where I scrambled to and it was a little scary on the way back. I had to climb out on the edge of the arch and I was pretty high up there. So fun though.


sansflancture said...

man I' would love to go for a trip like that with u

Ben and Lindsay said...

I was wondering when these pictures would come! like always looks like a BLAST! and love the picutres! Have you ever thought of becoming a photographer?

Ben and Lindsay said...

I was wondering when these pictures would come! like always looks like a BLAST! and love the picutres! Have you ever thought of becoming a photographer?

ThE fRoNkS!... said...

looks like you guys had a fabulous time. your pictures are awesome.

Charlie and Amparo said...

How did the picture of Halo 3 get in there?

Jilly said...

I love your pics and descriptions. You really should read Walden, things you say are reminiscent of that! Glad to see Halo made the cut! I'm super jealous, wish I got to go hiking as much as I used to