Sunday, September 7, 2008

lewis peak skyline trail

I want you all to note something well about this section of photos. This post is backwards so the last photo is in fact the first photo of the post so...ooops. Try to ignore that minor detail and enjoy the photos.

Using color accent mode on my camera...pretty cool eh?
Pineview dam looks tiny from up here!
The trail follow the ridgeline in this picture.

This was a beautiful ride.

Sunshine and Raybans!
Shawn and I reaching yet another peak on skyline.
Ben lomond is the tallest mtn in the background. From this pt. onward it is 7.5 miles of nothing but downhill!

The Ben lomond skyline trail is in view on the mtn accross from us.
Shawn keepin it real on skyline.


Shawn said...

That was such a beautiful day! Your pictures turned out awesome. The whole thing looks like it came straight out of some magazine spread. Banzai!!!

Ben and Lindsay said...

I am glad that you are putting your girl to some good use! stop spoiling her so much! :-)