Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Yellowstone trip

hot pots in the early morning

This pic is right before sunrise in northern Yellowstone park.

Right after I took this photo I went and barebacked this baby till it became docile.

The love mutts.

This is what we call a one hour road obstruction.

This is what happens when you eat too little and drive too much!


Pure image

Calcite steps
A stray dog in Yellowstone

Joey is so happy

Satan Beetle I believe is the name for this insecto.

Thermals at the northern end of Yellowstone.

I'm not a Geologist so I can't exactly tell you what these are, but they surround many of the hot pots in Yellowstone, they look kind of cool though.

We saw this black bear and her cub as we hiked to a river bed by the tower falls in Yellowstone.

The three pictures above are kind of cool because they are all taken with different color accents on the camera. The top two are accenting green and the last is accenting yellow.

There is a blurred speed limit sign in this pic if you look closely.
The sun is falling in Yellowstone.

Fishing in Island park...is so fun if you don't like to catch fish...that's why there is only one photo!
Look how green Chanel!

This is the next Mod-Q...blue steel.


Ben and Lindsay said...

K your right Yellowstone is pretty! I love all the pictures you took, but I want to see all like 500 you took!

ThE fRoNkS!... said...

wow! I have never been there but i don't think I need to go now- I have all your pics-- I feel like I was right there with ya!! Did you have to convince everyone that is was pretty there? It's not extremely popular for nothing! Great pictures...

Shawn said...

Slaght and Veter!

Shawn said...

But, besides Joey's drama the whole dang time and that darn migraine that one day, this was a fun trip! I'm extra glad we went! PS, Thanks for letting me steal your pictures ;)