I rented these sick pants and boots for the narrows. They kept me totally dry for the nine hours that I was waist deep in water. I highly recommend them.

This is a pic of Angel's Landing in Zions.

Joey and I at the top of Angels landing. Joey is standing kind of funny because he doesn't want you to see the wet spot on his shorts because he was so scared.

I think these are called the three patriarchs.

Joey and I getting ready to go into the Narrows.

Super narrow spot in the "narrows."

My nephew Sean

Slot canyons in Zion National Park. These canyons seriously go on for miles.

Joey Orton on the right. He always looks like that!

Look at this sweet frog I caught in Montreal. It's the size of your pinki nail.

The first sight of my grandpa in two years!

The peak in the background is Ben lomand believe it or not.

Another shot of Ben lomand, looks kind of funny from being so high up.

Just a sweet image.